Friday Night Funkin’ VS I-Doll FNF MOD – Download

FNF VS I-Doll is a new MOD for Friday Night Funkin’ that adds a new week to the game, in which we will be able to enjoy 2 new songs (the third one is on the way). Downloading this MOD will allow you to play unreleased content within FNF, which is impossible to access otherwise.


Although the VS I-Doll charts have been criticized, the developer made a small update in which he seems to have slightly fixed the problems that generated so many complaints. The two new songs are quite good, as is the Skin of our new opponent, I-Doll. Unfortunately, this MOD does not create a new week, but replaces the Daddy Dearest week, although this is a minor bug that doesn’t really bother.

Hopefully in future updates we will be able to enjoy the Full Week final version of this MOD, which promises a lot.

Download the VS I-Doll FNF MOD for Friday Night Funkin’

You can download this MOD from the following mirror.
Link – Download

How to install the VS I-Doll FNF MOD for Friday Night Funkin’

Unzip the file you downloaded and insert the MOD files inside the original game files folder, to replace those that are repeated. Then it will be enough to open the original .exe and go to the songs VS Daddy Dearest.

Download other FNF MODs from MODs.NINJA