VS EDD Remastered FNF MOD – Download for PC

FNF VS Edd Remastered is a MOD for Friday Night Funkin’ that brings us a Remastering of one of the most curious MODs we have seen to date: VS Tord. This time we will change Tord for Edd, we will also have changes in other characters such as GF, BF… This is one of the best remasterings we have seen in Friday Night Funkin’ in the last weeks.

VS Edd Remastered

Regarding the music section of the MOD, we must highlight several aspects, on the one hand we will have an integrated tutorial, something that is appreciated as a first contact in the MOD. On the other hand, we must say that we will have a new playable week in Friday Night Funkin’ which includes a total of two unreleased songs to date: Norway and Tordbot, two songs with a great rhythm, and a medium-high difficulty level.

As for the visual aspect of VS Edd Remastered, this second update of the MOD has brought with it a great visual change, and is that the Skins of the characters have had an abysmal improvement in terms of textures, expressions, animations… We must also highlight the color animations that we will see in the Keys when we go pressing each of the different notes.

Download FNF VS Edd Remastered MOD for Friday Night Funkin’

Drive – Download

Mega – Download