Quest Mod for Cyberpunk 2077

Quest Mod for Cyberpunk 2077 is a simple Mod with 120 new quests for now, (40 of each type). It requires some adjustments. Adds 3 types of contract:

  • Assassination Contract (Go to a specific location, kill the NPC that appears, escape from the location area and press the Valid Contract key ).
  • Escort Contract (Take a target from an initial location and escort it to a final location).
  • Exploration Contract (Go to a specific location, a very good way to explore the city).

quest mod

The mechanics are very simple: you choose a type of contract and then you have to complete it. You will be rewarded only with money, for now.

Download Quest Mod for Cyebrpunk 2077

To download Quest Mod for Cyberpunk 2077 you must open the following link and run the corresponding download:

Download Quest Mod for Cyberpunk 2077