Download UnSlowSeaTruck MOD – Subnautica Below Zero

The UnSlowSeaTruck MOD for Subnautica Below Zero is an unofficial modification that allows you to disable the slowdown caused by the SeaTruck add-on parts. Downloading and installing this MOD will allow you to use all the enhancements and add-ons of SeaTruck without having to go slower because of it.

Apart from this, this MOD allows us to configure and tweak several options, all of them related to SeaTruck speed. We can configure it so that the Seatruck is not slowed down by adding add-ons, but we can also make it go at twice the speed, or make the speed boost improvement more effective. It all depends on how we configure the different MOD options.

UnSlowSeaTruck comes configured by default with the following options:

  • The Seatruck is not slowed down by its add-ons
  • Seatruck is slightly faster overall (by about 20%)

How to install UnSlowSeaTruck on Subnautica

  • Download the file from the link below
  • Unzip the file to get a folder containing all the MOD files.
  • Unzip the file to get a folder containing all the MOD files.
  • Insert the complete folder in the QMODS file folder.
  • Insert the complete folder in the QMODS file folder.
  • Open the game and enjoy the MOD.

Download UnSlowSeaTruck MOD – Subnautica Below Zero

This is a free MOD, which we have re-uploaded to to make it easier and faster to download.

Link – Download