FNF VS Bob & Bosip: The EX Update | Play Online & Download

FNF VS Bob & Bosip Ex Update Remixes is a MOD for Friday Night Funkin’ that brings back two of the most popular characters in the FNF community: Bob & Bosip. If you have ever played Friday Night Funkin’ you probably already know them, if not, they are the protagonists of one of the best MODs that have come out for FNF, and after many months of its release this is still true.

Regarding the music section of the MOD, we are presented with a new playable week for Friday Night Funkin’ known as Main Week, but additionally we will also have two more weeks, a Bonus Week, and a Crossover Week. Within them we will have a total of more than 15 unreleased songs of different musical styles that give a variety of content to the MOD.

As for the graphical and visual aspect of VS Bob & Bosip Ex Update Remixes we must highlight the following aspects. To begin with there are details everywhere, for example the arrows have been redesigned, we have a new menu and home screen, of course we will also have custom Skins and Backgrounds. To highlight the animated Cutscenes that tell us the plot of the MOD in a very visual way.

Download FNF VS Bob & Bosip Ex Update Remixes MOD for Friday Night Funkin

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