Download Friday Night Funkin’ HD v5 – new MOD for Friday Night Funkin’ that includes the fifth update of the famous FNF HD MOD. This time we will have weeks full of incredible content and a lot of surprises, among them, one of the best is that we will have Sonic as a new character! This is a MOD focused especially on the graphic section, which includes a quite remarkable improvement to the visual quality of the Friday Night Funkin’ weeks.
FNF HD v5 contains new songs in its update, plus bonus songs unlockable by completing the new week. This MOD offers a new look for the first 5 weeks of FNF, along with the Tutorial week. It is a redesign that includes new animated backgrounds with different characters as spectators. We will have Sonic and also new skins for Sonic as well as for BF and GF. We will have Sonic in a golden version that looks really good. Another important detail to note is that new dialogues are included that tell a different story to the original story.
HD v5 is a high quality MOD that includes content that really enhances the gaming experience. We will have a complete new design: new custom home screen and menu, new custom backgrounds for each song, and most importantly, new playable characters.
FNF HD 5.0 Remix Update
FNF HD 5.0 (Remix Update) is a MOD for Friday Night Funkin’ brings the classic FNF experience with superior quality. An aesthetic rehaul of several playable weeks. Being a rebut the music section of the MOD, will be the typical to which we are accustomed. Although of course, the graphical and visual aspect of FNF HD 5.0 (Remix Update) is much better than its predecessor, which improves the experience of the challenges. Besides allowing to play the official challenges of FNF.