Football Manager Stadiumpack

Football Manager Stadiumpack is a gigantic pack with thousands of stadiums created or modified to be able to enjoy the perfect scenario no matter which team we are, since it has stadiums from all the leagues and countries in the world.

Within the content that we will download from Stadiumpack, we will find a folder called Backgrounds in which we will find 3 different folders:

  • Extras: inside which there is a quick installation guide, in addition to the FM Graphics Configurator.
  • Staduim: inside there are all the new and modified stadiums belonging to our pack.
  • Alt: here you will find additional images to those we have inside the Stadium folder, in which we show some additional perspectives or more photos of some stadiums that because of their spectacularity, or peculiarity require it.

Download Football Manager Stadiumpack

To download Football Manager Stadiumpack we must follow the links that we will attach below and execute the corresponding download of the following parts, then we will explain step by step the installation process, which is not very complicated, but still we will explain it in case there is any clueless.

  1. Football Manager Stadiumpack Part 1
  2. Football Manager Stadiumpack Part 2
  3. Football Manager Stadiumpack Part 3

football manager stadiumpack

Install Football Manager Stadiumpack

The first step in the installation process of FM Stadiumpack is the decompression of the downloaded files, for it, once the download of all the files has been executed, we will go to the file: FMSite_Stadiumpack_v4.part1.rar and then we will decompress that file. Automatically it will not only decompress part 1 but it will decompress the other downloaded files, without the need for us to do it manually.

As we said previously, the content of the Stadiumpack is located in a folder called Backgrounds, which is divided into 3 folders: Extras, Stadium and Alt.

We must look for the following path inside the FM Graphics>Pictures> Backgrounds files and in case this Backgrounds folder does not exist we will have to create it manually. Once this is done, the content of the downloaded Backgrounds folder (the 3 folders of Staduim, Extras and Alt), we will place it inside the Backgrounds folder of the game files.

The result should be something like this:

  • Windows: Mis Documentos/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/Graphics/Pictures/Backgrouns/Stadium
      • Mis Documentos/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/Graphics/Pictures/Backgrouns/Extras
      • Mis Documentos/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/Graphics/Pictures/Backgrouns/Alt
  • Mac/iOS:  /Users/Usuario/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020/Graphics/Pictures/Backgrounds/Stadium
      • /Users/Usuario/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020/Graphics/Pictures/Backgrounds/Extras
      • /Users/Usuario/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020/Graphics/Pictures/Backgrounds/Alt

Finally we will have to access already inside the Football Manager game to preferences or options, we go to the interface section, uncheck the option “Use Skin cache” and check the option “Reload Skin when confirming”. Finally we click on the confirm button.

Football Manager Stadiumpack Updates

Periodically we will be attaching new content with stadiums that have undergone any kind of modification, new stadiums… The download and installation process is completely identical to the previously explained, so we just have to follow the instructions as we did with the original Stadiumpack and add the new content to the existing one. The download link is as follows:

  1. FM Stadiumpack Update 1

IMPORTANT: We must download and unzip the files according to the order of the corresponding update, first v1, then v2… and so on since it will modify the config.xml file and in this way we will always have the correct config file.