Unique District Icons MOD for Civilization VI

Unique District Icons MOD for Civilization VI is one of the most mediatic and successful MODs of all the MODs of the last release of Civilization 6. But what exactly does Unique District Icons do to be so successful?

As you already know the construction of districts in Civilization is one of the bases of our cities and our civilization in general, through them is how we focus mostly to what we allocate our resources, whether to science, culture, military power, naval power….

For the most part the districts always have the same icons, regardless of the civilization we choose, even many times our civilization has a specialized district as the film studio in the case of the United States and this has the same icon as any other civilization.

Download Unique District Icons MOD for Civilization VI

To download Unique District Icons MOD for Civilization 6 we must click on the following link and run the corresponding download:

Download Unique District Icons MOD for Civilization VI

Install Unique District Icons MOD for Civilization VI

To install Unique District Icons MOD for Civilization VI we must follow a very simple process, since it is a MOD that we have available within the Steam platform, so after accessing the link that we left previously and give the subscribe button, we will only have to wait for the download to finish.

Once this is done we will be able to access the game Sid Meier’s Civilization VI and within the main menu in the additional content option we will have a section to select the MODs and Addons that we want to activate, there we will find Unique District Icons MOD.

Unique District Icons MOD