FNF VS Beepie Demo Mod is a MOD for Friday Night Funkin’ that is still in its Demo version. However, it already presents a fairly elaborate story and is that BF has attended an Anime Expo, and a girl has given him her number, BF is ready to call her because he is crazy about meeting this girl. From here the whole plot develops and we won’t tell you more about it for now so you can enjoy this good MOD to the fullest.
As for the music section, for a demo version, VS Beepie presents us with a sufficient amount of content and its quality is quite high, and is that, we will have a total of two unreleased songs for now, in the first of them we will face GF, while in the second we will face this girl that we talked about before.
As for the graphical and visual section of the MOD, I must say that it is what has surprised me most for good of VS Beepie, and is that for a Demo version presents us with a very good content, as both BF and GF have new Skins, the design of this girl we just met is also very well prepared, and the Background where the story takes place and the songs has a great design.